Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jaimie's Helpful Hints

Here's a few hints that I have found insanely helpful when I was taking this class.

  • Always take notes - Notes will help when you are crunched on time and need to get something done or you can't remember where to find something in MAYA. These will be your life saver come the night before your project is due. (And take GOOD notes... even if you think you'll remember something write it down anyways... you never know what you may forget.)
  • Have questions ready when class starts. It's much easier to have them ready at that time because we can then help you work through them and therefore prevent stress and hatred towards MAYA outside of class.
  • Work on your project as homework, get ahead of your project. The last few processes can take much more time than planned so PLEASE plan ahead and stay on top of it all.
  • Try not to get behind, if you are not understanding something and feel like we're going ahead to quickly please tell us. We might be able to slow down or work with you on that particular area.
  • Watch the suggested tutorials and if you have a questions and we're not able to help right then and there please look for it online for the answer. (online materials are wonderful!)
Like I said all of the above saved me with my projects. You all have it lucky, once when I took this class the professor could only come once a week and we nearly had to do everything on our own so please take advantage of class time (staying til 7).


MAYA Interface Hot Keys

Here is a brief list of MAYA's interface hot keys that I found online. Just copy and paste into your browser. Enjoy :) -Jaimie

Welcome to the MAYA FAll 2010 Blog!

Hey everyone! This blog is designed for the students to show their progress on their projects as well as to post any questions they may have and hopefully another student will know the answer. Also, this blog is a great place to post tutorials that you have found that other students may find helpful. Please check back often for tutorial updates and helpful hints from the professor or the TA. This is an open blog and anyone can post to it. Enjoy!

Students, please post 1 to 2 screen shots at the end of each class period (this helps us see what areas we need more time on or if we need to move on). Also post a brief statement (can be 1 or 2 sentences long) describing what it was you worked on and problems you found and how you fixed them. Rhaelene and I will be checking this every Tuesday and Thursday just to make sure we're all coming along with our projects. If you have any questions please post them here and help each other out when you can. Also, please feel free to email us with any questions you may have. (Remember Jaimie can make appointments outside of class if needed.)

Thanks :)